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World Mental Health Day

On this #WorldMentalHealthDay, we encourage you to take a moment and think about resilience -- the ability to problem-solve, overcome obstacles, recover from setbacks, and rise above difficulties. REDgen's work is grounded in research showing that learning resilience not only helps prevent crisis but also helps us thrive. 

To learn more, check out these resources from two of the nation's foremost experts on resilience and our REDgen partners: Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MSEd, and Sheri Glucoft Wong, LCSW. 

For parents:

For teens:

And please join us on Oct. 19 for a free community presentation from Sheri Glucroft Wong on raising resilient kids. Event info and registration:

May 9

Cultivating Resilience in Youth to Improve Their Mental Health & Well-Being

October 19

Raising Resilient Kids with Sheri Glucoft Wong